The representative of the Ukrainian sculptors young generation is from Oleksandriia, Kirovohrad Oblast.
Olena was born in 1985.
She began her artist’s journey as a child, studying first at music school and later at art school. She has never graduated from music school, by the way. She enrolled at the Dnipro Theatre and Art College as a sculptor-artist, Lviv Academy of Art and Kyiv Academy of Art.
Olena is skilled in many techniques and undertakes various jobs – painting, moulding, sculpture, from teacups to monumental objects, yet she prefers monumentalism. She mainly deals with monumental works in a popular sculptor work format — the symposium. Olena has quite many symposia under her belt, and she says she attends about 6 a year. In Ukraine, her works have been placed in Lviv and Vinnytsia Oblasts, Dnipro and Cherkasy.
Each person is a whole world with its own unique content and lifelong story. The OTHER WORLD sculpture is my reflection on learning myself, my environment, finding the different selves and uniting them into a whole.
What is our inner world?
How much is it filled out?
There have always been, are and will always be lots of questions.
How ready are we to face them ourselves, and how brave are we to seek honest answers?!